Mason & Morse Ranch Company is excited to be a part of the Northern International Livestock Exposition (NILE) in Billings, Montana. The NILE in its 51st year is one of the largest regional shows for livestock and equestrian shows, events and sales. NILE is widely attended and host to youth from 4-H and FFA as well as sponsoring a first class trade show.
About the NILE:
The Northern International Livestock Exposition (NILE) is dedicated to the promotion of livestock, agriculture education, and preserving the western way of life. NILE is a week long stock show and rodeo held in October every year. Hundreds of exhibitors from across the region (38 different states) bring livestock to show and sell. Hundreds of horses are also competed on and sold that week. The NILE has a long standing tradition of top notch rodeo performances.
NILE also operates the Montana Agri-Trade Exposition (MATE) held in February each year. This trade show celebrates farming and ranching and the businesses the help make those operations work. Before the Professional Bull Riders (PBR) became an association the NILE hosted an invitational bull riding in April of 1992, ever since then NILE celebrates the tough determination of cowboys through this event. The NILE is a non-profit, membership organization 501(c)3.