Eagle Ridge Ranch (4 out of 4 SOLD)
Gunnison, Colorado | Gunnison County | 4900 Acres
Property Information
Four seperate homestead sites available within the historic Eagle Ridge Ranch, a 4,900-acre shared ownership ranch located in the Ohio Creek Valley near Gunnison and Crested Butte, Colorado. The Ohio Creek Valley is a pristine mountain valley, which has been largely unspoiled by development. Eagle Ridge Ranch is protected from further development and shall remain an exclusive natural paradise. Eagle Ridge Ranch is a working ranch owned by 15 owners each with their own parcel of land and residential Homestead site. A number of “common” amenities exist for the owners including two miles of live trout stream fishery on Ohio Creek, fishing pond, two mountain cabins, barn, corrals, and equestrian facilities. The ranch is conservation protected to preserve the integrity of the ranch, ecology, habitat and aesthetic values of the property. The ranch has been and will forever continue to be used for ranching and recreation purposes.
Close DetailsEagle Ridge Ranch is a working ranch owned by 15 owners each with their own parcel of land and residential Homestead site. A number of “common” amenities exist for the owners including two miles of live trout stream fishery on Ohio Creek, fishing pond, two mountain cabins, barn, corrals, and equestrian facilities. The ranch is conservation protected to preserve the integrity of the ranch, ecology, habitat and aesthetic values of the property. The ranch has been and will forever continue to be used for ranching and recreation purposes.
The ranch property is readily accessed by a paved county road with private roads to the entrance of each Homestead.
Eagle Ridge Ranch is located seven (7) miles north of Gunnison via paved County Road 730, locally known as the Ohio Creek Road. Gunnison lies between Pueblo and Grand Junction and accessible via US Highway 50. Gunnison by highway is 200 miles southwest from Denver, 165 miles west from Colorado Springs and 125 miles southeast from Grand Junction, Colorado.
Gunnison’s commercial air service is provided by United and United Express from Denver. Additionally, during the winter months flights may be found from Houston, Dallas and Newark. The airport also provides charter service, fueling and hanger facilities.
During the summer months, mountain roads lead in from Glenwood Springs via Colorado Hwy 133 and Ohio/Kebler Pass and from Del Norte and Pagosa Springs via Colorado Hwy 149 via Lake City.
Eagle Ridge Ranch is a historic working ranch and it continues in that manner today. The central feature is Ohio Creek, a mid-sized willow and cottonwood tree lined river that offers excellent trout fishing. There are a variety of land types with a large base of irrigated meadows and pastures on either side of the two miles of Ohio Creek. The acreage grades into grassy sagebrush hills used for summer pasture as well as habitat for a variety of wildlife and most notably Mule Deer and Gunnison Sage Grouse.
The ranch has a primitive area consisting of nearly two thousand acres of high elevation mountain alpine terrain with aspen, pine, spruce and sage terrain. The acreage serves as mountain pasture as well as recreational opportunities. The primitive area also serves as habitat for numerous Rocky Mountain wildlife species, including deer, elk, bear, blue grouse, hawks, eagles and many others. The primitive area is the location of two mountain cabins used by the owners for hunting, overnight stays, base camp hikes among other activities available in this mountain paradise.
The following unimproved homesteads are available for sale and described briefly:
SOLD Homestead No. 2 – located on the east side of the ranch, this property has an open feel and offers privacy and excellent views. Price: $950,000
SOLD Homestead No. 3 – located on the east side of the ranch, this property also has an open feel with privacy and excellent views. Price: $950,000
SOLD - Homestead No. 14 – located on the west bench, this property offers excellent views fronted by the ranch meadows and easy access to Ohio Creek. Price: $1,200,000
SOLD Homestead No. 15 located on the west bench this property is at the end of the road and in the ranch meadows. Price - $925,000
The property is located in the Ohio Creek Valley, which is comprised of large ranches and high-end residential ranchettes. The Gunnison National Forest and West Elk Wilderness Area surround the Ohio Creek Valley. A number of snow-capped peaks surround the valley giving rise to its local name “Valley of the Castles”.
The 2000 census indicated the population of Gunnison County at 13,500 with 5,500 people in Gunnison and 2000 inhabitants in Crested Butte. Gunnison is home to Western State College, a four-year college with attendance of 2,500.
The climate in Gunnison is typical for the central Rocky Mountains. The area climate is a “four-season” experience with lots of blue skies and sunshine filled days. The high/low temperatures for July are 81/42 and for January 30/5. Annual precipitation is estimated to be 13 to 20 inches depending on the location on the ranch.
The Gunnison area offers a number of recreational opportunities. Crested Butte Ski Area and Monarch Ski Area offer excellent mountain skiing, both a little over one-half hour form Gunnison. Golfing is provided at two top rated courses in Gunnison and Crested Butte. Blue Mesa Reservoir and surrounding reservoirs and streams offer fishing and boating activities. Hunting, fishing, horse-packing and backpacking can be accommodated in the nearby Gunnison National Forest and West Elk Wilderness. The area is a recreation paradise.
Eagle Ridge Ranch is an exceptional lifestyle property located in an exclusive and pristine mountain valley. Eagle Ridge offers the amenities of a working ranch, fishery, wildlife, two wilderness cabins and unlimited recreational opportunities all in the beautiful Ohio Creek Valley. This exclusive combination makes this offering an extraordinary and exceptional opportunity. The homesteads offered give the one a variety of choices to suit their personal preferences.
Conservation Land Covenant, Protective Covenants and Permitted Uses
Eagle Ridge Ranch is designed to protect the property, wildlife and environment with a Conservation Land Covenant. The covenant also serves to protect the ranch from further development thus making the property exclusive to its current owners. The intent is to have the property remain in a substantially undisturbed natural state, altered only by the historical agricultural and ranching usage and the recreational usage. Additionally, the intent of the community is to encourage wildlife habitat, protect the natural elements and ecologic and aesthetic values.
Ranching activities include:
- pasturing, grazing, feeding and care of livestock
- growing, baling and storage of hay
- irrigation during normal irrigation season by water and water rights
- develop and maintain water resources
- predator control
- construct and maintain roads and easements
Recreation uses include:
- hunting within the Primitive Area of Eagle Ridge Ranch
- fishing at all times within a fishing easement along Ohio Creek
- skiing, walking, hiking
- horseback riding, all terrain vehicle usage
- other similar uses
Eagle Ridge Ranch offers a number of common amenities including fishing, hunting, wildlife viewing, use of two mountain cabins, and equestrian facilities.
Each Homestead is comprised of approximately 35 acres; part of which is used for ranching purposes by the Eagle Ridge Ranch in accordance with the permitted ranching activities. Each Homestead includes an Owner’s Use Area for personal and private use and a Building Envelope. The homesteads have been laid out to enjoy the property, to minimize the view impact and retain the exclusive flavor of the Eagle Ridge Ranch. It is noted that the density is 325 acres for each owner. This extremely low density preserves the exclusive nature of the ranch, which is a key factor in enhancing its future value.
Each Homestead owner is a Member and the members elect a three-member board to guide the ranching and uses on the ranch. Prescribed building sizes, building review processes, animal and other regulations, and a Homeowners Association serve to protect and guide this unique ranch and community owned property. The operation of the agricultural activities provides an income stream to largely offset capital improvements, general maintenance and ranch expenses including maintenance of the roads for each Homestead as well as the expense of a full time ranch manager. Current assessments are approximately $4,000 per year.