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East Ridge Ranch

Kremmling, Colorado | Grand County | 587 Acres

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East Ridge Ranch is the perfect mountain retreat and big game hunting property situated in one of the premier recreational locations in Colorado. Adjoining National Forest and State lands at the head of the Troublesome Creek valley, the property consists of 587 acres of mountain hunting terrain. Vegetation includes a mixture of Pine, Aspen, and mountain pasture intermixed with open sage. Current ownership has diligently managed the vegetation with a history of improved habitat management making it a true haven for attracting big game animals. The surrounding public land allows significant additional hunting lands. Much of the adjoining public land to the east of the property has extremely limited access into this area, such that public hunting pressure is mostly non-existent in this migration corridor. A 3,048 square foot mountain lodge compliments the property as your base of operations.

East Ridge Ranch presents an exceptional hunting and lifestyle property, complete with perfect improvements. Properties at this elevation and with such a diverse mix of vegetation, situated amidst public lands and large private ranches, rarely come to market and tend to sell quickly when they do.
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Kremmling, Colorado, often referred to as the “Sportsman’s Paradise,” is situated at the confluence of Muddy Creek, the Blue River, and the Colorado River in Grand County, approximately 100 miles west of Denver. At an elevation of 7,364 feet, Kremmling lies at the intersection of Colorado Highway 9 and US Highway 40. The town features a private airport, a hospital, and a variety of shops and restaurants. It is conveniently located about 45 minutes from Silverthorne, Grand Lake, and Winter Park, and just an hour from Vail and Steamboat Springs.

East Ridge Ranch comprises 587 acres of mountain terrain at an elevation range of 8600 – 9200 feet, providing the perfect elevation for summer and fall activities in the Central Rockies. The location, topography, and elevation provide views and vistas that are hard to beat. The vegetative mix with Pine, Aspen and Sage complemented with an abundance of grass and browse is ideal for big game animals.  Springs and ponds provide plenty of water for animals as well.  The property is a natural migration route from the higher elevations of the National Forest to the lower State lands and ideal for holding big game in the fall migration.

The current owner has not grazed the property for many years and instead has focused vegetation management on holding game. East Ridge Ranch is surrounded on two sides by large private ranches and National Forest, BLM, and State lands on the other two sides.  As the hunting pressure increases on surrounding properties, East Ridge Ranch is where both deer and elk come to hold up. Please contact the listing brokers for additional game photos.

The property is accessible by roads from both the State land to the east as well as a private access through a large private ranch to the south.

The improvements on East Ridge Ranch are excellent, providing an off-grid mountain lodge, utility structures and barn with corral.  The lodge is operated by significant solar power and generator back-up making it a very efficient and reliable utility source.  The lodge has an open floor plan with a large kitchen area and a great room with plenty of wall space to hang trophy mounts and plenty of room for entertaining.  There are main floor bedrooms and bathrooms as well as upper-level sleeping loft.

East Ridge Ranch is located in GMU 181.  The Kremmling area and particularly the Troublesome Creek area is well known and highly regarded for being excelling big game hunting with large populations, opportunity, and trophy potential.

East Ridge Ranch has been used and hunted by the owner’s family, friends and invited guests for many years.  A unique fact is the documented hunting record marked on the beams of the barn from year to year recording the number and size of the animals taken on the property.  Once viewed, the caliber of the hunting is undisputed.

East Ridge Ranch offers an ideal hunting and lifestyle property with perfect improvements.  Properties in this location, and at this elevation range and vegetative mix located in the middle of public land and large private ranches rarely come to market and do not last long when they do.